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Canadian Society of

Pharmacology and Therapeutics

The Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (CJPP) is the CSPT's affiliated journal! 

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Members Benefits

Members receive special publication and subscription rates to the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (CJPP). Electronic access to CJPP is $50.00CAD per year for CSPT members. Subscription requests should be submitted to Canadian Science Publishing at:

Free open access publishing 

Building on Canadian Science Publishing's long-term partnership with the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN), Canadian Science Publishing (Publisher for the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology - CSPT’s official journal) has established a “made in Canada” open access agreement which enables corresponding authors from CRKN-affiliated universities to publish free and unlimited open access in BCB, CJP, CJPP, Genome, and TCSME. Authors continue to receive a 25% discount on OA fees for all other hybrid journals as well as read access to CSP’s full suite of hybrid journals. Here’s a link to the news item:

This means that corresponding authors from institutions affiliated with CRKN can publish open access in CJPP at no cost!! This is a great feature for CJPP authors!

Journal Articles

CSPT Members!  Have you recently published a journal article? Let other members know what you've been up to. Share your work with us!

Submit your peer reviewed publications to and we'll showcase them right here, on our website!

Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CSPT)

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