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Canadian Society of

Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Post-Doctoral Award

The Postdoctoral Award in Pharmacology is designed to recognize and stimulate research in the field of Pharmacology made by postdoctoral researchers.


$1,000 CAD cash prize and engraved plaque


1. Award candidates must be CSPT members in good standing at the time of nomination and at the time of award presentation.

2. Recipient to describe their major research contribution in an oral presentation at the CSPT annual meeting.


Made by any two members of the society. No member may nominate more than one candidate.

Nominations shall include all of the following:

1. A joint letter of nomination or two individual letters of nomination, prepared by the sponsors describing the importance or potential impact of the nominee’s research. A maximum of 2 pages is allowed for the letter(s) of nomination.

2. A maximum of two published or in press manuscripts considered pertinent by the sponsors for the nomination. A brief justification for their inclusion should be provided in the nomination package.

3. The nominee’s brief curriculum vitae (maximum 10 pages). Ensure the following items are included: A) current institutional affiliations, B) education and training, C) employment experience, D) awards and honours E) a list/description of the Nominee’s most important contributions (e.g. publications, research, presentations) to basic and/or clinical pharmacology.

4. A brief biographical sketch suitable for press release purposes.

5. Up to two additional letters of support describing the importance or potential impact of the nominee’s research.


February 1, 2024


Send nomination package to and direct to the attention of the Chair of the Awards Committee.


The decision of the Awards Committee shall be final. There will be no obligation or duty on the part of CSPT to bestow the award in the absence of a qualified recipient or when there is an insufficient number of nominees as determined by the Awards Committee.

Recent Award Winners

2022 Wasundara Fernando

2020   Qutuba Karwi

2019   Khaled Abdelrahman

2018   Britt Drögemöller

2017   Galen Wright

2016   Abdelbaset Elzagallaai

2015   Folefac Aminkeng

2010   Hong-Shuo Sun

2009   Colin Ross

2008   C. Altier

2007   R. Kinobe

Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CSPT)

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