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Canadian Society of

Pharmacology and Therapeutics

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Enjoy the many benefits of membership!

When you join the Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics,

you will enjoy a number of benefits that can help you both save money and advance your career. 


Professional Growth

CSPT sponsored events and annual meetings will provide members with opportunities to network,  allowing them to develop and maintain professional relationships, aiding in career advancement.


Members have access to an exceptionally broad range of expertise represented by members of the Society. The Society encourages communication among members and continues to develop a number of online facilities (Membership Contact Lists and Discussion Forums) to facilitate interactions.

Job Postings

Members can post job advertisements, free of charge.

Reduced Registration Fees

Members receive reduced registration fees for a number of meetings including the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Pharmacology & Therapeutics and the Annual Meeting  of the American Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.


Members are eligible for a number of society sponsored awards. Recipients will be recognized for their achievements with personalized plaques and a monetary award.  

Travel Support

Trainees, including undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral associates/residents are eligible to receive travel awards to support them in presenting their work at society meetings.


Members will receive periodic newsletters to keep them up-to-date on society business and significant events impacting on pharmacological research and education in Canada.

Reduced Journal Subscription Rates

Members will receive special subscription rates to the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. Electronic access to CJPP is $50.00CAD per year for CSPT society members. Print subscription (which includes free electronic access), is $275.00CAD per year. Extra postage outside of Canada is $75.00CAD. Subscription requests should be submitted to Canadian Science Publishing at:

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Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CSPT)

All rights reserved.


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