The workshop focuses on how to prepare a paper for publication, with a focus on the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (CJPP), the official journal for CSPT. The principles we cover, however, are transferable to other journals.
The workshop is an opportunity to demystify journal publishing for attendees and to talk about the journal and the value it brings to the pharmacology/therapeutics community in Canada and abroad.
Upon completing the workshop, attendees will be able to:
1. Understand what the CJPP Editor is looking for in a successful journal article
2. Comprehend the aspects of peer review
3. Know what to do and what to avoid in preparing a submission
4. Understand the overall aspects of journal publishing (including ethics, open access)
5. Highlight the benefits of publishing and engaging with CJPP, CSPT's official journal
6. Understand the value of publishing with a not-for-profit publisher, like CSP
Workshop Overall Structure:
- CJPP editorial statistics
- Mission, scope of CJPP
- Highlight specific CJPP research
- Open Access options
- Review of Author Guidelines
- The Cover Letter
- What goes in an Article Title?
- Abstract matters
- Introduction, Methods, Discussion
- Common reasons for Rejection
- Publication Ethics
- Peer Review expectations, workflow
- Promoting your Article
- Benefits of Publishing with CJPP